Work With Me

Feeling stuck in the endless loop of work, errands, and exhaustion? It's time to break free. Imagine transforming your daily grind into a life filled with joy, calm, and memorable moments. With our 1:1 Emotional Release Session, we'll guide you to shed the subconscious baggage that's weighing you down.

Discover the power of releasing old emotions, and beliefs. Create space for new experiences, joy, and making new core memories. No more postponed self-care, unread novels, or missed adventures. It's time to live fully, with ease and grace.

This isn't just another self-help promise. We’ll dive into your subconscious, making change easier and more effective. Think less climbing a mountain with the contents of your house on your back, and more effortless journey with a light backpack. Click here to book

“Having a session with Mary not only helped me to release a whole load of emotional baggage but has also helped me to realise that so much of what I was carrying wasn’t even mine. I’m still processing everything I’ve learned and I’m so excited to see what’s next for this whole new me”.

Luisa. W

Feeling stuck in life but not sure where you want to go? Or know where you want to go but not getting any closer to it. That’s where life coaching can help you…everyday the thoughts we have that we are aware of, coming from our conscious mind, account for just 4% of our total thoughts in a day. The other 96% of them come from our subconscious mind which is what keeps our heart beating, our lungs breathing, eyes blinking and hundreds of other things we need to survive.
Our subconscious mind's prime directive is to keep us alive and it thinks any kind of change might kill us. So it does everything it can to prevent change, even if the change would be beneficial to us. Our subconscious mind carries all our old emotions and limiting beliefs and can affect us in unwanted ways that we’re not even aware of.

Think of it as only being able to see 4% of your life but a coach can see in your blind spot, ie: the other 96% and help you work through and release the things that are holding you back so you can make changes and live the life you dream of. Life coaching with us looks like 2x 60 min calls per month and a private voice messaging channel to use in between calls. If you want to know more, have a no pressure chat about how this could help you or are ready to go ahead with some coaching you can book a free call here

“I love working with Mary, she has a way of finding that missing piece.”

Jo. T

“Mary is such a supportive and sensitive person and she guided me through the experience so gently and gave such great feedback to anything that was shared, challenging me with such powerful questions.”

Sarah. G