Episode 017 - Sleep
Mary Ashton Mary Ashton

Episode 017 - Sleep

We're back after a slightly extended break and coming back with one of the most important habits I will ever talk about...sleep!

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Episode 016 - Meditate
Mary Ashton Mary Ashton

Episode 016 - Meditate

Delighted to welcome Jean Bradley to the podcast this week to talk about her journey with meditation.

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Episode 015 - Be Intentional
Mary Ashton Mary Ashton

Episode 015 - Be Intentional

Being intentional affects more things in your life than you're probably aware of - find out more in today's episode.

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Episode 012 — Breathe
Mary Ashton Mary Ashton

Episode 012 — Breathe

Breathing we do it throughout our entire lifetime without really thinking about it but do you know the benefits outside the basic keeping us alive?

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Episode 011 - Gratitude
Mary Ashton Mary Ashton

Episode 011 - Gratitude

It doesn't matter what's going on around you there is always something to be grateful for. Learn how and why gratitude is one of the best things you'll ever do.

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Episode 010 - Rest
Mary Ashton Mary Ashton

Episode 010 - Rest

I’ve had many conversations about rest this last week and noticed it’s come up a lot on threads too.

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